Awakening the Heart
With James Baraz
June 6 - 8, 2025
This workshop is designed to support us as we open to our own goodness and learn practices to awaken love in others. Based on timeless Buddhist principles, as well as key findings in modern neuroscience, we will explore how to cultivate and sustain certain wholesome states, which, through practice, become the perspective we embody.
By awakening our hearts, we have the power to affect both ourselves and others in a profound way. With practical and accessible exercises and teachings, we will explore the full spectrum of the awakened heart. We’ll discover ways to love ourselves and extend that love into our relationships so that we can truly delight in the joy of others.
During our time together, we will:
- Study the science behind real happiness.
- Discover healthier habits and beliefs through powerful awareness practices.
- Embrace and be embraced by a supportive community.
- Learn tools for a solid mindfulness practice.
Finally, we’ll explore freely expressing our capacity for compassionate action in a spirit of contribution. In this way, our own awakening heart becomes a gift to our troubled world. Join us as we practice and explore together!
About the Leader

James Baraz
James Baraz is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He has been teaching the popular “Awakening Joy” online course since 2003. His books include Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness and Awakening Joy for Kids.
Learn more about James BarazCategories : Mindfulness & Spirituality, Psychology & Self-Awareness, Relationship & Communication