Ifá Divination: The Cultivation and Embodiment of Cosmic Harmony
With Ayodeji Ogunnaike
August 8 - 10, 2025
The Yoruba divination tradition of Ifá is arguably the most widely practiced Indigenous religious/wisdom tradition in the world. Millions across the globe increasingly turn to Ifá, commonly described as existing to “mend our broken world,” for wisdom that brings order and peace to their lives.
In this workshop, we will explore and apply the fundamental concepts and insights of Ifá — such as embodied philosophy, archetypes as cosmic order, and divine balance and complementarity — to help us identify, understand, and live in harmony with the cosmic order undergirding all of existence and our own individual lives and purposes.
By tapping into our previous experiences and practical demonstrations with sacred art, Indigenous archetypal storytelling, and encounters with the natural world, we will develop tools for embodying wisdom and allowing it to transform first ourselves, and then the world around us.
We’ll learn how the Yoruba cosmology and Ifá transcend common modern binaries, such as mind/body, physical/spiritual, and even good/bad, and practice getting in touch with a direct form of transformational knowledge that promotes deep understanding and cosmic balance.
Toward the end of the workshop, Robin Garcia, an expert scholar-practitioner of the global Ifa tradition, will lead individual divination sessions to help us, through Ifá’s timeless wisdom, learn more about who we are, how we should live, and how to maintain harmony with the cosmic order all around us.
About the Leader
Categories : Creativity & Culture, Mindfulness & Spirituality