Imagination: Exploring Your Inner World for an Extraordinary Life

With Cassandra Vieten

December 6 - 8, 2024

Date and Time Details:

5:00 pm – 5:45 *How to Drop into Esalen*
7:15 pm – 9:30 pm
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

See general schedule information including arrival, departure and meal times.

  • Sleeping Bag Space – $540.00
  • Bunk Bed Space – $720.00
  • Standard Shared Space – $900.00
  • Standard Queen Room – $1,200.00
  • Standard Room Two Beds – $1,920.00
  • Premium Queen Room – $1,680.00
  • Premium King Room – $1,800.00
  • Premium Plus King Room – $2,040.00
  • Premium Wooden Yurt – $2,040.00
  • Premium Wooden Yurt Two Beds – $2,040.00
  • Price House Suite – $2,760.00
  • Rolf Suite – $3,900.00
  • Point House – $3,900.00
  • Fritz Point House – $3,900.00
  • South Point House – $4,800.00

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them to the impossible. — Arthur C. Clarke

Imagination is the foundational ingredient in problem solving – the ones in your own life as well as problems in society. Yet how many courses in imagination did you take during your K to12 education? Were you ever taught how to explore, harness, and apply it? How many healthcare professionals have taught you evidence-based ways to use imagination to enhance healing and recovery? Have you ever been taught how negative forms of imagination can contribute to depression, anxiety, or worse?

This workshop focuses on the science, power, and magic of imagination. 

  • The science: You’ll learn about newly discovered territories of imagination and how it is being redefined as one of the most important skills we can cultivate. You will explore the neurodiversity of imagination and create your own imagination profile.
  • The power: You’ll take away tools to implement imagination into your physical and emotional healing, your relationships, and your work to powerfully imagine the next steps in your own life’s journey. 
  • The magic: You’ll explore the further reaches of imagination to create an extraordinary life. Discovering how altered states of consciousness, shamanism, psychedelics, and virtual reality/AI can provide access to a wellspring of wisdom and embodied imagination. Let whimsy and wonder re-enchant your life and our world.

Imagination is the seed of every invention and every social movement. It has led to nearly every scientific discovery, every building that has been built, every piece of art, film, story, every ship that has ever sailed, and every mission to outer space. Almost every human advancement has been sparked by the question, “What if?”

Through interactive presentations, experiential practices, self-inquiry, thought experiments, and speculative dialogue, you will explore truths that emerge from art, fiction, and fantasy — and return with new knowledge, tools, and inspiration.

About the Leader

Cassandra Vieten

Cassandra Vieten, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist, mind-body medicine researcher, author, consultant, and public speaker. Cassi is a clinical professor in the Department of Family Medicine's Centers for Integrative Health at the University of California, San Diego, where she serves as the director of the Center for Mindfulness. Cassi is also Director of Research […]

Learn more about Cassandra Vieten

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