Journey Space: Music, Movement & Ceremony

With East Forest and Marisa Radha Weppner

June 30 - July 3, 2023

Workshop Schedule

8:30 pm – 10:00 pm
9:30 am – 12:00 pm
7:15 pm – 10:15 pm
9:30 am – 1:00 pm
7:15 pm – 10:15 pm
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

See general schedule information including arrival, departure and meal times.

  • Sleeping Bag Space – $1,100.00
  • Bunk Bed Space – $1,370.00
  • Standard Shared Space – $1,640.00
  • Standard Queen Room – $2,090.00
  • Standard Room Two Beds – $3,170.00
  • Premium Queen Room – $2,810.00
  • Premium King Room – $2,990.00
  • Premium Plus King Room – $3,350.00
  • Premium Wooden Yurt – $3,350.00
  • Premium Wooden Yurt Two Beds – $3,350.00
  • Price House Suite – $4,430.00
  • Rolf Suite – $6,140.00
  • Point House – $6,140.00
  • Fritz Point House – $6,140.00
  • South Point House – $7,490.00

Now more than ever, it is important we build practices to strengthen our internal resolve and self-resourcing amidst a dynamically shifting society. Together, we will listen to our heart’s wisdom in this rich four-day journey (Friday to Monday) through sound, ceremony, and self-discovery.

In this intimate and transformative workshop, you will have the unique opportunity to experience multiple East Forest’s live music performances. Additionally, Radha will lead us in embodiment practices of Self-Awakening Yoga, Yin Yoga, and breathwork to create an all-levels and accessible doorway to inner insights. Through the primacy of our own heart-opening and felt experience, we can discover the inner pathways to fortitude and healing.

East Forest and Radha would like to offer a certain amount of scholarship to those in need. Please apply with this form. If further assistance would be helpful, you may also apply for an Esalen scholarship

***Please note: While the retreat space and exercises are conducive to deep inner work, the facilitators and Esalen do not condone the use of or provide substances of any kind.

About the Leaders

East Forest

East Forest is a multidisciplinary artist, producer, and ceremony guide. His work explores living authentically within a modern context by weaving together elements of electro-acoustic live music, nature, technology, brain science, and guided meditation. His "ceremony-concerts" utilize a skilled mostly instrumental repertoire to create space for an emotive inner journey; the catalog includes over 30 […]

Learn more about East Forest

Marisa Radha Weppner

Marisa Radha Weppner is a mom, author, DJ, teacher, minister, psychedelic therapist, community organizer, life coach, podcaster, and entrepreneur. She has taught yoga since 2002. Known for her authentic self-expression, humorous yet grounded, she empowers others to embody their soul’s wisdom, bringing a real-world mix of eastern spirituality and western psychology to her students for […]

Learn more about Marisa Radha Weppner

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