
Faculty Survey | Staff Education

Open Dates

Survey form to capture Faculty interests in participating in Staff Education events and programs.

Esalen Volunteer Day Pass - Cabins

Package Dates

Esalen Volunteer Day Pass - Healing Arts

Package Dates

This program is for Esalen Volunteers, not shared publicly

Esalen Volunteer Day Pass - Kitchen

Package Dates

Update 03/20/24, MF - Live for 3/shift daily. Update 03/29/24, MF - Live for 3rd shift: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm, max 2/shift

Esalen Volunteer Day Pass - Farm & Garden

Package Dates

Business Comps Application

Flexible Dates

ONE PERSON PER REGISTRATION, unless for a couple This program is for Business Comp Visitors only - Day visits & Overnight NOT for publication Once the Registration is complete - Pay/Discount the registration Create a discount transaction applying the appropriate Discount code item and the $value. FAC100 (Facilities), REZED100, MKTG100, ADMIN100, PROG100, DEV100, OPS100, BOT100, VS100, HR100 […]

QTBIPOC Farm & Garden Volunteer Day

Package Dates

Please join Esalen staff for a monthly QTBIPOC Farm & Garden Co-op Day. Together, we'll create a shared vision of community stewardship for this sacred plot of land dedicated to QTBIPOC healing. This is a volunteer opportunity. There is no fee to participate. Registration includes a volunteer service shift with the Esalen Farm & Garden […]

COME TOGETHER! A Festival of IntraConnectivity and Spirit | Day Pass

With Daniel Siegel, Elissa Epel, Little Bear Tom Nason, Rhonda V. Magee and Douglas Drummond

Package Dates

We live in times of high existential stress with both ever-increasing personal, societal, and global pressures and the constant pain of witnessing ecological crises and widespread social injustices. These challenges also create opportunities to reconsider our relationships to self, one another, and the planet — and to choose a life of peak purpose and interconnectedness. […]

COME TOGETHER! A Festival of IntraConnectivity and Spirit | ETMC Day Pass

With Daniel Siegel, Elissa Epel, Little Bear Tom Nason, Rhonda V. Magee and Douglas Drummond

Package Dates

We live in times of high existential stress with both ever-increasing personal, societal, and global pressures and the constant pain of witnessing ecological crises and widespread social injustices. These challenges also create opportunities to reconsider our relationships to self, one another, and the planet — and to choose a life of peak purpose and interconnectedness. […]

Altered States: Pathways to Expansion | Day Pass

With Sravana Borkataky-Varma, Lucia Horan, Xochitl Ashe, East Forest and Marisa Radha Weppner

Package Dates

You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. —Terence McKenna Since time immemorial, we humans have been curious […]

Summer Groove Series | Day Pass

With Teachers in Residence

Package Dates

Altered States Day Pass | September 10 - 12, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

Package Dates

Waiting for schedule information, add to reg form. MF, 07/19/24

Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Doorway to Joy, Wisdom, and Wonder

With Mark Coleman and Lori Schwanbeck

September 20 - 22, 2024

Do you love the beauty of the outdoors and delight in the wonder of nature? Do you want to learn how to meditate outdoors? Would you like practices to stay grounded, connected, and open-hearted in life? Then what better place to discover all this than in the majesty of the Big Sur coastline, where we […]

The Next You: The Art of Futuremaking

With Cassandra Vieten and Bristol Baughan

September 20 - 23, 2024

What innate potential lies dormant within you? What dreams are yearning to be expressed? What does it look like to be fully alive, live an integrated and embodied life, and become an engaged part of the larger ecosystem of nature and community? It’s time to meet your future self and find out. This workshop focuses […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of September 20-22, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

September 20 - 22, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Beyond Duality: Healing Wisdom and Ceremony for Personal Health and Well-Being

With Erika Gagnon

September 23 - 27, 2024

Join ceremonial leader and wisdom carrier Erika Gagnon on a sacred journey as we gather to look beyond the false duality of a divided self and the destructive concept of “self versus nature” to discover how to live in harmony and balance within ourselves and the world around us. You are your greatest healer and […]

Cancelled | Tantra: Freedom, Embodiment, and Transformation

With Sravana Borkataky-Varma and Keith Edward Cantú

September 23 - 27, 2024

Have you ever dived into the ocean of Tantra? Join Tantric scholar-practitioners Sravana Borkataky-Varma and Keith Edward Cantú as we explore Tantric practices and perspectives on topics like freedom from external interference and self-sovereignty (Sanskrit svādhikāra), the link between physical and so-called “subtle bodies,” and the creation of physical mandalas (maṇḍala) or circles and other […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of September 23-27, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

September 23 - 27, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Space Between: Where Tensegrity Meets the Subtle Body

With Kate Flore and Kevin Dockery

September 23 - 27, 2024

“A brain without a body couldn’t think.” — Moshe Feldenkrais “We want to get you to a place where gravity is your friend, a nourishing force.” — Dr. Ida P. Rolf  Human beings are relational by nature. We are an intricate web of anatomy, energy, space, and time that takes shape through our life experiences. […]

Flow Into Fall: Unlocking Abundance & Awakening Vitality

With Sianna Sherman and Masood Ali Khan

September 27 - 29, 2024

Flow into fall to awaken the inner codes of abundance and vitality with yoga, nature, and community. As we journey into the autumn season, we are guided to turn within and alchemize the inner gold. In the yoga tradition, there are four key aims — purpose, prosperity, love, and liberation — to support this transformation […]

Cancelled | Healing Polarization: The Enneagram’s Role in Restoring Connection

With Dr. Deborah Egerton

September 27 - 29, 2024

Join us for an enriching exploration into the transformative potential of the Enneagram and discover its profound capacity for fostering reconnection and oneness. As we commemorate the two-year anniversary of Dr. Deborah Egerton's impactful best-seller, Know Justice Know Peace, we will explore the art of coming together through compassion, kindness, healing, and self-awareness.  For this […]

The Healing Keys: Biofield Science and the Future of Health

With Shamini Jain

September 27 - 29, 2024

Our current models of medicine fall short of understanding the depths of our human healing potential, but we are on the cusp of finally awakening to a new path. A growing number of scientists are exploring a true expansion of science with a profound understanding of ancient concepts of spirituality. Over a 20-year career, award-winning […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of September 27-29, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

September 27 - 29, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Cancelled | The Wisdom of Uncertainty: Finding Freedom When the World Trembles

With Willa Baker and Susan Bauer-Wu

September 27 - 29, 2024

With the world rapidly shifting around us, we seek stable ground on which to stand, an island of security that will keep us safe as the waves of change ebb and flow. Change—whether we are experiencing grief in witnessing growing losses of our ecosystems, or, the building angst from political and cultural divisiveness, or, our […]

Wild Tao: Hiking and Qi Gong in Big Sur Wilderness

With Fletcher Tucker and Jim Gallas

September 30 - October 4, 2024

In search of balance, the ancient sages of China walked into the woods to attune themselves to nature in its sublime integrity. The timeless wisdom uncovered in their wild wanderings was called simply Tao, “The Way.”  Qigong — the practice at the heart of Taoism — is dedicated to harmonizing body, mind, and spirit with […]

Love Your Body Now: A Yoga Therapy Approach to Joyous, Full-Body Awareness as We Age

With Tracy Lease

September 30 - October 4, 2024

You deserve to feel ease and joy in your body as you age.  Movement, time in nature, breath, quiet contemplation, and “Aha!” moments all contribute to expanding happiness and delight in life. Though this is true, you may face challenges. Changes to our bodies — aches and pains, joint replacements, osteoporosis, heart issues, and other […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of September 30 - October 4, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

September 30 - October 4, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Awake in the Body: Buddhist Meditation and Shadow Work

With Chandra Easton

September 30 - October 4, 2024

We will become our opposite if we do not learn to accommodate the opposite within us. — Carl Jung At the heart of contemplative life is the archetypal journey home to our essential nature, our basic goodness. The Buddha taught that we come to experience this essential nature through the embodied integration of meditative quiescence […]

The Heart of Relationship: A Weekend of Gestalt Inquiry for Couples and Friends

With Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

October 4 - 6, 2024

Fostering close and connected relationships is one of the most important things affecting the quality of our lives. Cultivating trust and openness with a loved one, whether they be an intimate partner or friend, is an essential aspect of any successful, supportive relationship. This weekend, Perry and Johanna Holloman, intimate partners and friends for over […]

Deep Rest, Recovery, and Renewal: From Burnout to Vitality

With Elissa Epel

October 4 - 7, 2024

Join us to experience deep rest and renewal! You need and deserve this. So many of us are overtaxed by constant demands, burdens, and worries, especially those of us providing extra support for others through caregiving, healthcare, activism, and other service-oriented jobs. We bring you expertise in the science, art, and practice of restoration from […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of October 4 - 6, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

October 4 - 6, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Path of the Wounded Healer: 5Rhythms Heartbeat and Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness

With Lucia Horan

October 7 - 11, 2024

The healing path has a trajectory. Gabrielle Roth called this, The Path of The Wounded Healer. It is here that we look closely at our healing process. We mark both where we are and where we want to be. We dance through the five stages of healing in relationship to being the victim, the survivor, […]

Portals and Pathways: Ecstatic Experience, Music, and Jung’s Red Book

With John W. Price and Rodney Waters

October 7 - 11, 2024

We are all participants in the ancient and the modern, the ego and the unconscious, the personal and the transcendent — though we all seem to forget these dual allegiances. When we go into nature, when we listen to music, when we encounter the numinous in whatever form it may manifest, we are reminded of […]

Discovering Childhood Solutions, Enacted in our Adult Body, Preventing Physical and Emotional Healing. Advanced CFR®

With Harriet Goslins, Judy Greenman, Melissa Krikorian and Tomas Prietto

October 7 - 11, 2024

Recent brain research reveals how constant predictions based on old information can run our lives. As we are flooded with current sensory information, our brains compare past and present to identify discrepancies called “prediction errors," updating the old predictions to create a better working model of the world.   Inaccurate predictions are often based on unconscious […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of October 7-11, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

October 7 - 11, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Art of Non-Sleep Deep Rest: A Rejuvenating Yoga Nidra Retreat

With Kelly Boys

October 11 - 13, 2024

In this retreat, you will get in touch with a deep relaxation to rejuvenate the body and the mind through non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) and yoga nidra. No matter your reasons — whether you need a break from the constant pressure, are in a life transition, or just want to delve deeper into your meditation […]

Moon Lodge: Honoring the Sacred Feminine

With Lucia Horan and Dr. Julie Von

October 11 - 13, 2024

How empowered do you feel as a woman navigating this world? What is your relationship to the feminine? And to female wisdom? Join us inside the Moon Lodge, a place for exploration — for women to find tribal and ritual healing.  The 5Rhythms is a map that teaches us how energy moves. It shows us […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of October 11-13, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

October 11 - 13, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Flowing Through Transition: A Sacred Autumn Pause

With Jillian Pransky

October 18 - 21, 2024

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” —Chinese Proverb Join us for deep release and renewal as we pause to align with autumn, acknowledge the sacred cycle of life, and move gracefully through this transitory season. Autumn is a time of letting go and accepting the impermanence of things. […]

Awakening Joy: Finding Well-Being in Difficult Times

With Jane Baraz and James Baraz

October 18 - 20, 2024

True happiness is not about acquiring anything; instead, it comes from opening to the natural joy and aliveness inside you. As we are bombarded with messages that heighten our fear and sadness about the world, more than ever, it is vital to understand the importance of joy as a central aspect of mindfulness practice. We […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of October 18-20, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

October 18 - 20, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Transformational Enneagram: Mindfulness, Insight and Experience

With Russ Hudson

October 20 - 25, 2024

More and more, people are discovering the Enneagram as an accurate and profound map of personality. In this workshop, we’ll explore the full scope of its power to illuminate our greatest wisdom, become our truest selves, and face life’s challenges with fortitude and grace. The nine Enneagram types are based on the three primary centers […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of October 21 - 25

With Teachers in Residence

October 21 - 25, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Deep: An Immersive Esalen Experience

With Sadia Bruce, Jovinna Chan, J.J. Jeffries and Cara Chandler

October 21 - 27, 2024

Join us for a total reset done the Esalen way: seven powerful days tending to heart, mind, body, and spirit. Reconnect with your sense of purpose and power while immersed in the medicine of our iconic, energized setting within a community of similarly minded seekers. Not for the faint of heart, this deep retreat experience […]

Turning Your Heart to Love: Sufism, Whirling, and the Teachings of Rumi

With Ihab and Ora Balha

October 21 - 25, 2024

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. — Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi  Partners Ihab and Ora Balha, a Muslim man and a Jewish woman, are trained in the Mevlevi tradition of Jelaluddin Rumi, one of the greatest mystics […]

The Essence of Soul, The Anatomy of Being: An Embodied Exploration of Consciousness

With Gitanjali Hemp

October 21 - 25, 2024

Open to the mysteries and remember the full truth of who and what you are — a magical multidimensional human being and an integral part of all creation. Join Gitanjali, creator and founder of the Syntara System School of Energy Awareness, as she leads you on a skillfully curated journey through your subtle body and […]

Emptiness Dancing: An Open Floor Movement Workshop

With Andrea Juhan

October 25 - 27, 2024

Most of us have experienced a flow state at least once or twice. On the dance floor, it sometimes happens that you find yourself in a state of exquisite surrender to the spirit that dances us; those timeless moments when we disappear and all that’s left is Emptiness Dancing. Often these moments feel like “happy […]

From Practice to Freedom: The Foundations of Self-Mastery

With Jovinna Chan

October 25 - November 1, 2024

To fully be in touch with the essence of who we are, and vibrantly live from there, we must embark on a journey to take us from outside distraction to our innermost world. We must travel like a pilgrim, with one pointed focus. There, we expand our awareness to melt into the embrace of silence, […]

Embraced by the Earth: Embodied Herbalism, Plant Meditation, and Folk Medicine

With Marysia Miernowska

October 25 - 28, 2024

“You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.” - Thich Nhat Hanh Join herbalist, medicine woman, and plant spirit teacher Marysia […]

Art as Medicine

With Daria Halprin

October 28 - November 1, 2024

“If art doesn’t make us better, then what on earth is it for?”  –Alice Walker How can  art contribute to healing while staying centered in the creative process? What kind of art-making responds to the therapeutic experience? What does it mean to live an aesthetic life? And what is possible when we do? In the […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of October 28 - November 1, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

October 28 - November 1, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Yoga and Devotion: Living Life With Joy and Purpose

With Hannah Muse

November 1 - 3, 2024

Attention is the beginning of devotion. – Mary Oliver A life of fulfillment requires fostering connection with what truly matters to us, whatever that may be. It’s easy to lose sight of what we’re devoted to. In this workshop, we’ll have tranquil, uninterrupted space for yoga, storytelling, and contemplative practice to clear our minds and […]

Designing the Life We Want: Self Renewal in the Fall

With Mark Nicolson

November 1 - 3, 2024

Have you created the impact you want? Are you showing up the way you’d like? Are you going in the right direction? You have never before been where you are right now. You have never been the age you are today, never had the experiences you now possess. This is your time to pause and […]

Relational Gestalt Practice: Presence, Contact and Communication

With Dorothy Charles

November 4 - 8, 2024

In 1938, researchers at Harvard University began a 75-year study that addressed life’s fundamental question: What makes a good life? The Grant Study, also known as the Harvard Study of Adult Development, found strong relationships to be the clearest predictor of life satisfaction. In Relational Gestalt practice, direct and response-able communication is essential for creating […]

Pathways to Partnership: Scientific Strategies for Dating and Beginning Your Next Healthy Relationship

With Amy Chan

November 4 - 8, 2024

Discover research-backed tools to create a loving relationship. Together, we’ll engage in a comprehensive exploration of the psychological and scientific aspects of dating and healthy relationships. We'll delve into the science of attraction, unlocking the mysteries of chemistry and creating and sustaining meaningful connections — all grounded in the latest research on relationships. Our key […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of November 4-8, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 4 - 8, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Heart of Who We Are: Return to Belonging

With Caverly Morgan

November 4 - 8, 2024

We all long to be happy. Happy as in deep contentment. We all long to feel at ease, to be at peace, to know that we’re okay and that we belong. Most of us are deeply habituated to believing ourselves to be separate, and that we must fix ourselves in order to earn and experience […]

Awaken The Artist Within: The Sketchbook Immersion

With Erin Gafill and Tom Birmingham

November 4 - 8, 2024

Learn to tap the source and break through creative barriers during this hands-on workshop. Together, we’ll explore a variety of mediums and techniques to find entry into creative expression, including: Color blocking Watercolor sketching Observational image making Timed free writing Abstracting from nature The poet Rumi speaks of a river of joy that courses through […]

Meditation and Modern Life: A Zen Meditation Retreat

With Dan Zigmond

November 8 - 10, 2024

When was the last time you gave something your undivided attention? Nearly 2,500 years ago, Buddha worried we had become too distracted — and that was before paper, let alone smartphones. In 2022, our days are filled with convenient distractions that promise happiness while mostly delivering busyness and frustration. So many of us today live […]

Harnessing the Power of Creation through African Ritual

With Marques Redd

November 8 - 10, 2024

Open to people of all backgrounds and experience levels, this workshop will explore the lessons that traditional African spirituality can teach us about creation, how the universe was brought into being, how to manifest things we want in the world, and how to fashion a life filled with divine harmony. It will first introduce the […]

Esalen® Massage: Couples, Partners & Friends

With Robin Fann-Costanzo and Patrick Stockstill

November 8 - 10, 2024

Come enjoy the beauty of Big Sur during the quiet time as the days shorten and sunsets blaze across the sky. This is a perfect season to awaken touch, our forgotten language. In this introductory massage course, participants will learn to listen to each other, gain the sensory skill of initiating touch, experience the felt […]

Healing Waters: Rites of Passage & the Embodied Masculine

With Douglas Drummond and Little Bear Tom Nason

November 11 - 15, 2024

Join us for this unique opportunity to explore the masculine traditions of the Esselen Tribe, integrated with the fundamentals of the 5Rhythms® movement practice. Answer the call of 55000 Highway 1’s healing waters and travel with Douglas and Little Bear on a hero’s journey. Together, we will explore what it means to embody the sacred […]

Holotropic Breathwork®: Expanded States of Consciousness

With Stacia Butterfield

November 11 - 15, 2024

For thousands of years across many cultures, enhanced states of consciousness have been used as a strategy for meaningful transformation and self-exploration — marking life’s major transitions and rites of passage and deepening one’s connection to self, community, and the natural world. In this workshop, we will gather in the rich field of community for […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of November 11-15, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 11 - 15, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Living Authentically: A Journey with Human Design

With Anne Van de Water

November 11 - 15, 2024

Imagine reaching the end and realizing your biggest regret is that you never found the courage to live authentically because you lived the life others expected. In this workshop, we will embark on a transformative journey inspired by the wisdom of Human Design and the spirit of Esalen. Human Design blends ancient wisdom from astrology, […]

The Healing Voice: Exploring the Sonic Anatomy

With The Brothers Koren and Eileen McKusick

November 15 - 17, 2024

What if you could use your voice to feel alive and present in your body? What would it look like to discover your own voice and fulfill its unique potential? This November, join sound therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick and transformational voice leaders and international recording artists Isaac and Thorald Koren of the Brothers Koren in […]

Role Mate to Soul Mate: The Art and Discipline of Love

With Warren Farrell

November 15 - 18, 2024

Since falling in love is biologically natural, but sustaining love is biologically unnatural, Soul Mate focuses on the art and discipline of sustaining love. You begin with learning how to appreciate your partner so specifically and frequently that your partner feels fully seen and loved.  You then practice both the art and discipline of hearing […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of November 15-17, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 15 - 17, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Awakening the Heart of Belonging: An Embodied Inquiry into Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion

With Steven Harper

November 18 - 22, 2024

Uncertain times have shaken and are shaking our habitual ways of being. Individually and collectively, we are experiencing anxiety, disconnection, and the reality of impermanence even as we begin our journey into the ever-forming new “realities.” Now more than ever, we need to let our somatic system know safety by connecting to our somatic and […]

Unlock the Storyteller Within through Writing and Yoga

With Darnell Lamont Walker and Cara Chandler

November 18 - 22, 2024

Somewhere inside you - buried deeply, or maybe just below the surface - there is a story you’ve been wanting to tell. Movement and mindfulness practices are carefully curated to support moving past your creative obstacles and connect you with your inner voice. We invite you to connect to that deeper authentic story and that […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of November 18-22, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 18 - 22, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Higher Self & You: Illuminate Your Inner Compass through Hypnotherapy and Your Spirit Guides

With AJA Daashuur and Laurnie Wilson

November 18 - 22, 2024

What shackles bind your higher self's ascent? What reservoirs of latent power lie dormant within your being? How can you deepen your communion with your highest self to unleash its limitless potential and guiding light? Embark on a sacred journey of soul discovery with medium and spiritual guide AJA and multidisciplinary hypnotherapist Laurnie Wilson. Immerse […]

Gratitude Retreat

With Janet Stone

November 22 - 24, 2024

We gather on this powerful land for a weekend to remember — with our bodies, minds, and spirits — all that we have to be grateful for. Amidst all of the turmoil, we come together in community to remember that we are enough as we are. Through yoga, meditation, reflection, cliff side baths, and walking […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of November 22 - 24, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 22 - 24, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Giving Thanks: A Yoga Retreat

With Janet Stone

November 25 - 29, 2024

“Enoughness” is the starting point of any journey toward gratitude. We begin to fully take in the profound gift of all that is unfolding only when we recognize that we are enough.  With Esalen as our transformative container, let’s meet during the week of Thanksgiving. Let’s honor the land and the Esselen people, the indigenous […]

A Return to Radiance: Igniting the Flame of Your Heart Through Movement, Live Music, and Chakra Activation

With Cristi Christensen and Marques Wyatt

November 25 - 29, 2024

Join us for a transformative journey to rekindle the seven flames of consciousness within you. Led by Cristi Christensen, with musical guidance and scoring by renowned DJ Marques Wyatt and the celestial vocals of Donna De Lory, this five-day workshop over Thanksgiving week invited you to shift from a life of “meh” to a resounding […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of November 25-29, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 25 - 29, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Gratitude for Our Ancestors: Healing Our Lineage & Ourselves

With Erika Gagnon

November 29 - December 2, 2024

Join ceremonial leader and wisdom carrier Erika Gagnon on a sacred journey as we gather to look at our ancestral lineage and how our ancestors continue to influence and affect our lives today.  Gratitude for our ancestors! We are the reality of their dreaming. We are the tip of the arrow of our entire ancestral […]

The Essential Qigong of China: The Energy, the Movement, and the Stories

With Chungliang Al Huang

November 29 - December 1, 2024

Master Chungliang “Uncle Al” Huang, one of Esalen’s most cherished faculty members, brings 50+ years of teaching  experience to welcome you into China’s ancient practice of qigong.  During this workshop, Master Huang will teach the most essential qigong exercises — guiding students through energetic practices of movement, storytelling, and subtle energy work. This is an […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of November 29 - December 1, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

November 29 - December 1, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Essential Qigong of China: The Energy, the Movement, and the Stories Copy

With Chungliang Al Huang

November 29 - December 1, 2024

Master Chungliang “Uncle Al” Huang, one of Esalen’s most cherished faculty members, brings 50+ years of teaching  experience to welcome you into China’s ancient practice of qigong.  During this workshop, Master Huang will teach the most essential qigong exercises — guiding students through energetic practices of movement, storytelling, and subtle energy work. This is an […]

Integrative Gestalt Practice™: Unlock Your Authentic Life Through Self-Inquiry

With Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

December 2 - 6, 2024

Integrative Gestalt Practice™ is a method of self-inquiry developed by Perry and Johanna Holloman over the last 30 years. Self-inquiry is a powerful practice for discovering and living that which is most authentic in us. This in-depth program is for those wanting to experience the practice of Gestalt Inquiry to support their self-exploration. Integrative Gestalt […]

Creative Tai Ji Experience: Change, Transformation, Metamorphosis

With Chungliang Al Huang

December 2 - 6, 2024

To be truly creative, to let go of preconceived restrictions, is to allow yourself the freedom to flow. Taoist wisdom calls this Wu Wei — the art of not interfering with what is already happening. During this weeklong workshop, we will playfully reinvent Tai Ji forms with ancient Tai Ji rituals, Five Moving Forces of […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of December 2-6, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 2 - 6, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

In Our Hands: Reclaiming the Lost Self from Technology, a Digital Liberation Workshop

With Shannon Algeo

December 2 - 6, 2024

This workshop is your opportunity to reckon with the digitization of our times, reclaim the lost self from technology, and rewire your relationship to creativity. “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver asked in her beloved poem The Summer Day. The average person now spends 61 to 80 days […]

Your Brain Isn’t Broken: Meeting ADHD with Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Compassion

With Mark Coleman

December 6 - 8, 2024

Do you face challenges with focus and time management? Do you struggle with emotional hypersensitivity or frustration tolerance? Do you find it hard to follow through on tasks or commitments? Or to be reliable and consistent? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer daily from conditions associated with these executive function challenges. […]

Imagination: Exploring Your Inner World for an Extraordinary Life

With Cassandra Vieten

December 6 - 8, 2024

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them to the impossible. — Arthur C. Clarke Imagination is the foundational ingredient in problem solving – the ones in your own life as well as problems in society. Yet how many courses in imagination did you take during your K to12 education? Were you […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of December 6-8, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 6 - 8, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Fully Alive: Seeing through your Soul’s Eyes

With Jovinna Chan

December 9 - 13, 2024

Somewhere deep in you, there is a home where silence and stillness reside. A place where infinite potentiality abides, ready to emerge and unfold. This is the sanctuary of the soul. The soul has a pulse and its rhythm beckons you to live your own unique destiny.  To move in this rhythm requires courage and […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of December 9-13, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 9 - 13, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Emotional Wisdom: Inside Out

With Dacher Keltner

December 9 - 13, 2024

Emotional well-being is the next frontier of health and a central challenge of the 21st century, according to US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.  Guided by Berkeley Professor Dacher Keltner, scientific consultant on Pixar’s Inside Out and Inside Out 2, we will tour the latest science and practice of emotional well-being.  In this workshop we will […]

Aligning with Nature: A Winter Solstice Yoga Retreat

With Sarana Miller

December 13 - 15, 2024

Winter solstice is a time to reflect — to cultivate vitality and nurture ourselves. The dark days of winter are an opportune time to slow down and make space for self-care. This winter solstice yoga retreat will focus on cultivating inner awareness. By practicing in community, we build inner vitality and brightness to return home […]

Go Within Weekend of December 13–15, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 13 - 15, 2024

Go Within Week of December 16–20, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 16 - 20, 2024

Use for 4-Night weekday workshops, 6-Night Mon - Sun workshops, or 7-night Fri - Fri workshops--RG will autocalculate the correct pricing.   Venue Color Codes: Hux - #7996e5 RT - #eab885 BY - #b1f8f9 MH - #ea9fea LP - #c6c5e5 PY - #3aad9a AB - #f7f494 PH - #9dcc82

Soul Motion®: Tenderness at the Heart of the Dance

With Scott Engler and Zuza Engler

December 20 - 27, 2024

Soul is flow. It’s an ever-changing play of sensations and feelings. It’s how the deathless presence meets and moves our finite human body. In this workshop, we will reclaim the body-in-motion as a doorway to the life unfolding just under the surface of everyday forgetting. A formless dance form, Soul Motion® allows for passionate, full-bodied […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of December 20-22, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 20 - 22, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Journey Space: Music, Movement, & Ceremony

With East Forest and Marisa Radha Weppner

December 20 - 23, 2024

Now more than ever, it is important we build practices to strengthen our internal resolve and self-resourcing amidst a dynamically shifting society. Together, we will listen to our heart’s wisdom in this rich four-day journey (Monday to Friday) through sound, ceremony, and self-discovery. In this intimate and transformative workshop, you will have the unique opportunity […]

The Luminous Darkness: Imagination, Possibility, and Conscious Intentions for 2025

With Deborah Eden Tull

December 23 - 27, 2024

All light arises from darkness, including insight, creativity, vision, joy, and possibility. The luminous darkness is the healing presence and receptivity through which we also access light. It is the field of all potential and emergence that we sometimes forget in the context of ordinary life and habit. In this deeply restorative retreat, at the […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of December 23-27, 2024

With Teachers in Residence

December 23 - 27, 2024

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Esalen Massage®: The Gift of Essential Touch

With Deborah Anne Medow and Daniela Urbassek

December 23 - 27, 2024

Celebrate the holiday season in the natural beauty of the Esalen land while learning the fundamental elements of Esalen Massage®.   The Esalen Massage approach is about working with each other as human beings, meeting in the present moment, listening, loving, and responding to what emerges naturally. Its principles combine self-care, grounded awareness practice, and […]

Releasing into Presence: A Meditation, Mantra, Music and Movement Retreat

With Chandra Easton

December 30, 2024 - January 3, 2025

Bring in the New Year with a rejuvenating week filled with meditation, yoga, hot springs, and the time and space to release the old and welcome the new. We’ll slow down and experience the benefits meditation, gentle yoga, and music offer the body, mind, and soul. Buddhist teacher and author Lopön Chandra will share expert […]

New Year Meditation Retreat: Self-Love and Kindness That Benefits All

With Mark Abramson

December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025

Meditating in noble silence offers a special opportunity to focus inward, deeply connect with oneself, and reflect on life goals. The New Year, with its connection to the winter solstice and new beginnings, is the perfect time to silently journey inward. You are invited to set intentions and explore, through seated and moving meditation, themes […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of December 30, 2024 - January 3, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

December 30, 2024 - January 3, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

The Shared Heart New Year's Couples Retreat

With Barry Vissell and Joyce Vissell

January 3 - 5, 2025

Imagine your relationship expressing the true depths of your love and commitment. If you are in love, this retreat is an opportunity to rise even higher in love. If you are in crisis, it is an opportunity for healing on the deepest level. We all carry some degree of negative programming from our past, and […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of January 3-5, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 3 - 5, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Gestalt Practice and Principles: Cultivating Embodied Wholeness in Daily Life

With Steven Harper

January 6 - 10, 2025

Gestalt Practice at its core is an awareness practice in which we cultivate embodied, present-moment awareness of the unfolding experience of the here and now on a journey toward authentic growth, wholeness, and aliveness. Drawing from the foundations of Gestalt Practice, wisdom traditions, and contemporary approaches that cultivate awareness, we’ll learn to become increasingly aware […]

Tuning to the Frequency of Love and Renewal: Sound Journeys to Elevate Your Life

With Deva Munay

January 6 - 10, 2025

Those who know the secret of sound know the mystery of the whole universe. — Hazrat Inayat Khan Join us to honor the spirit of renewal as we tune into the frequency of love through a series of transformative sound journeys with alchemy crystal singing bowls, chimes, and more. These journeys, grounded in universal laws, […]

Being Present for Your Life: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

With James Baraz

January 10 - 12, 2025

How much are you present in your own life? Most of us spend more time worrying about the future, replaying the past, or getting lost in fantasy than experiencing what life offers us right now. This moment is our opportunity to be directly intimate with our lives while learning through difficult lessons how to open […]

Rewilding the Mind: Technology for Well-Being

With Eve Ekman and Sará King

January 10 - 12, 2025

Our ever-increasing intimacy with technology means we live more of our lives with, through, and mediated by it. This carries both opportunities and risks to our social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual dimensions. Many are experiencing a sense of soul loss — a contracted disconnection caused by distraction, social comparison, loneliness, and lack of true connection, […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of January 10-12, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 10 - 12, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Holotropic Breathwork®: Expanded States of Consciousness

With Stacia Butterfield

January 13 - 17, 2025

For thousands of years across many cultures, enhanced states of consciousness have been used as a strategy for meaningful transformation and self-exploration — marking life’s major transitions and rites of passage and deepening one’s connection to self, community, and the natural world. In this workshop, we will gather in the rich field of community for […]

Planets and Poetry: Embodying Astrology Through the Expressive Arts

With Heidi Rose Robbins

January 13 - 17, 2025

Join Heidi Rose Robbins for an enlivening exploration of your astrological chart. Through group study, movement, writing, and poetry, we’ll bring our astrological map to life — and in so doing, we will practice loving, act courageously, and fully embrace our next life steps.  In this workshop, we will come together in the beauty of […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of January 13-17, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 13 - 17, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Meditation and Modern Life: A Zen Meditation Retreat

With Dan Zigmond

January 17 - 20, 2025

When was the last time you gave something your undivided attention? Nearly 2,500 years ago, Buddha worried we had become too distracted — and that was before paper, let alone smartphones. In 2022, our days are filled with convenient distractions that promise happiness while mostly delivering busyness and frustration. So many of us today live […]

Motivate Your Life: Unleash 360° Potential

With Justin Michael Williams

January 17 - 20, 2025

Join bestselling author, Grammy-nominated musician, and award-winning speaker Justin Michael Williams in this transformational and deeply interactive workshop at Esalen Institute. By blending science-backed strategies with empowerment, this session is designed to unlock your full potential and foster a space of connection, wellness, motivation, and confidence.  In this inspiring journey, you will: Explore the 6 […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of January 17-19, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 17 - 19, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Encounter: Meeting the Moment

With Andrea Juhan

January 20 - 24, 2025

To encounter someone, something, or someplace implies that it’s unexpected or a surprise. Encountering the moment means coming face-to-face with the unknown. In movement practice, we train ourselves to stay open, curious, centered, and responsive at the front edge of any encounter — counterbalancing those innate primal reactions to fight, flee, freeze, or please.   Rather […]

Esalen® Massage and Meditation

With Peggy Horan and Jessica Fagan

January 20 - 24, 2025

Esalen Massage is a moving meditation, a practice in presence and mindfulness, and a loving healing art. When practiced with focused attention, massage comes from a deep, quiet place that resides inside each of us. This practice of meditation helps access the parasympathetic nervous system, where healing originates. As we give a massage, this healing […]

Accessing the Genius Within: Healing Physical and Emotional Injury With Cortical Field Re-Education®

With Judy Greenman, Tomas Prietto and Melissa Krikorian

January 20 - 27, 2025

How we sit, stand, move, and respond to our inner and outer world reflects deeply ingrained patterns wired into our nervous systems since childhood. They reflect our early solutions to physical survival in our family system. Out of awareness, these beliefs and strategies can still run our adult lives, limit our choices, and prevent physical […]

From Practice to Freedom: A Winter Yoga Retreat

With Jovinna Chan

January 24 - 26, 2025

Are you ready to take a break from your routine? Are you ready to stop outside distractions from crowding your innermost world? To relax and rejuvenate? This weekend yoga retreat invites you to slow down, feel, experience, and remember your innate freedom. With meditative yoga practices and enriching rituals, you will be guided through inquiries […]

Somacultural Liberation: Freeing the Body Through Cultural Awareness

With Roger Kuhn

January 24 - 26, 2025

What role does dominant culture play in how we experience the sensations, thoughts, feelings, and deeper existential mysteries of our bodies?  Roger Kuhn, a Poarch Creek Two-Spirit Indigequeer activist, artist, sex therapist, and somacultural theorist, believes that viewing our bodies through a somacultural lens can help us better understand how dominant culture informs and, all […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of January 24-26, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 24 - 26, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Go Within Week of January 27–31, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 27 - 31, 2025

The Heart of Relationship: A Weekend of Gestalt Inquiry for Couples and Friends

With Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

January 31 - February 2, 2025

Fostering close and connected relationships is one of the most important things affecting the quality of our lives. Cultivating trust and openness with a loved one, whether with an intimate partner or friend, is an essential aspect of any successful, supportive relationship. This weekend, Perry and Johanna Holloman, intimate partners and friends for over 30 […]

Joyful Metamorphosis: Embrace Uncertainty Through Play

With Stacie Blanke and Anthony Veneziale

January 31 - February 2, 2025

This interactive workshop is designed to ignite your creativity and foster connections through the transformative power of improvisation, play, and imagination. Embark on a captivating journey in which science and spontaneity collide, delve into the world of improvisation, and discover its transformative impacts on the brain.  Find out how engaging in playful activities can stimulate […]

Healing, Rest, & Embodied Liberation for Men of Color

With Danny Fluker and Darnell Lamont Walker

January 31 - February 2, 2025

Immerse yourself in a restorative workshop designed specifically for male-identifying people of color. This unique experience offers a sanctuary for growth and self-discovery, fostering a supportive community where participants can connect and build meaningful relationships. Black boys and men of color have limited opportunities to engage in mind-body healing practices, and there are not nearly […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of January 31 - February 2, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

January 31 - February 2, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Cultivating Creative Resilience

With Darnell Lamont Walker and Cara Chandler

February 3 - 7, 2025

Build inner strength and resilience through a blend of gentle and restorative yoga, stress-relief meditation, Yoga Nidra, and focused writing exercises. Participants will embark on a journey to identify and overcome personal and creative challenges.  This workshop begins with restorative yoga sessions to release physical tension and prepare the body for creative work, followed by […]

Embodying Joy: Black Wisdom Traditions of Liberation and Healing

With Kamilah Majied

February 3 - 7, 2025

From the poetry of artists such as Maya Angelou and Amanda Gorman to the rhythms of musical geniuses such as Alice Coltrane and Stevie Wonder, Black creative, cultural, and spiritual wisdom guides us toward justice, freedom, and joy. This workshop, designed for participants from all backgrounds, offers practices from African American wisdom traditions that support […]

Authentic Alignment: Creating an Authentic Life of Purpose, Value, and Vision

With Anne Van de Water

February 3 - 7, 2025

“Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “What is important to me?” Asking yourself these questions will activate your inner authenticity and allow you to move forward and live your life in alignment with your truest self. The answers to these questions will help you navigate life’s journey with direction, motivation, and inspiration. Perhaps the […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of February 3-7, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 3 - 7, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Winter Renewal: Transitioning into the New Year with Ritual, Yoga and Time in Nature

With Toni Cupal

February 7 - 10, 2025

A journey to heal oneself and awaken deeply from within. Through meditation, yoga, and time in nature, we will tap into the stories our bodies have to tell and develop skills to nourish ourselves in 2024. This workshop focuses on the transition from one year to the next as an opportunity to purposefully cultivate a […]

Reawaken The Creative Process

With The Brothers Koren

February 7 - 9, 2025

Explore your unique creative process and express your human potential in a weekend deep dive with The Brothers Koren. Discover your distinct creative personality and how to find harmony and coherence in your own creative process. The brothers specialize in facilitating a safe space for you to move beyond the inhibitions and align to your […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of February 7-9, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 7 - 9, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Esalen® Massage Teacher Training: Module I

With Robin Fann-Costanzo, Ellen Watson and Dean Marson

February 8 - March 7, 2025

Embark on a transformative journey with the Esalen® Massage Teacher Training program, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge to become an effective introductory-level teacher of Esalen® Massage.  This immersive training for certified Esalen practitioners launches with a month-long training at Esalen Institute, followed by a two-week module at Mimpi Menjangan in Bali […]

Relational Gestalt Practice: Open Seat Intensive

With Dorothy Charles

February 9 - 16, 2025

All people have an innate ability to move toward healthy, satisfying relationships. Old patterns of behavior and fixed ideas formed in early relationships may block our ability to communicate and make contact with the people in our lives. The Gestalt approach aims to increase awareness of these patterns and our ”unfinished business” by relating in […]

Creative Catalyst: The Transformative Power of Making Art

With Dana Albany and Michael "Flash" Hopkins

February 10 - 14, 2025

The Artist lives within everyone! Art can be made out of just about anything! It’s a time to leave the critic behind and allow oneself to play, nourish, and replenish the creative spirit. It’s also a time to enjoy the company and camaraderie of like-minded peers. Now is your time to discover the joys of […]

Esalen® Massage for Couples, Partners and Friends: A Heartful Connection

With Perry Holloman and Johanna Holloman

February 10 - 14, 2025

In this introductory workshop, couples, partners, and friends will refine their relationship with touch, our forgotten language. Participants will be encouraged to ask for what they want,  listen to each other, gain sensory skills in initiating and receiving touch, experience the felt sense of muscle release, and close with a balanced tenderness. Seasoned instructors will […]

Self-Guided Explorations Week of February 10-14, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 10 - 14, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Love, Sex, and Intimacy for Individuals and Couples

With Linda Bloom and Charlie Bloom

February 14 - 16, 2025

Intimacy is to the soul as food is to the body. It creates a sense of connectedness that provides access to dimensions of the self that are unavailable during ordinary states of awareness. Being present in this way reminds us that we are not separate beings, alone and adrift in the world, but inextricably connected […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of February 14-16, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 14 - 16, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Trauma, Memory and the Restoration of One’s Self

With Bessel van der Kolk and Licia Sky

February 16 - 21, 2025

This workshop explores ways of representing and befriending our inner experience. Therapies that work all start from a basic sense of calm and safety. The calmer we are, the more we can allow ourselves to know what we know, and to feel what we feel. Trauma changes the way the brain processes information and the […]

Tibetan Dream Yoga

With Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

February 17 - 21, 2025

We sleep one-third of our lifetime, an average of 20 to 25 years. Dream yoga is a practice that spans every moment, waking and sleeping. It is a powerful tool of awakening used for hundreds of years by the great masters of the Tibetan traditions. Foundational practices in dream yoga change the practitioner’s relationship to […]


With Janet Stone

February 21 - 23, 2025

Join Janet in this nourishing and revitalizing weekend, designed to replenish the nervous system and adrenals, boost the immune system, and ground our hearts and minds in simplicity. We will drop down through body-mind-spirit to find space between effort and surrender, allowing our internal systems to release toxins and integrate the powerful wellness generated by […]

A Black History Month Celebration: Exploring and Restoring Our Path to Healing through Empathy and Music

With LaVerne McLeod and Melanie DeMore

February 21 - 23, 2025

Join LaVerne McLeod and Melanie DeMore for a weekend of exploration and celebration of Black History Month as we express ourselves, connect, play, and honor humanity. Together, we will explore what it is like to walk in another person’s shoes to understand and empathize with viewpoints that might differ from our own. We will build […]

Marking Change: Using Nature, Creativity, and Ritual to Navigate Life's Transitions

With Day Schildkret

February 21 - 23, 2025

As life changes, we also must change — yet this isn’t guaranteed. Too many of us get stuck at our thresholds. Nature, creativity, and ritual can help us cross them gracefully, helping us ground, listen, and orient to what is changing.  Join us for a transformative workshop designed to provide the skills and understanding needed […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of February 21-23, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 21 - 23, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Designing the Life We Want: Self Renewal in the Winter

With Mark Nicolson

February 24 - 28, 2025

Have you created the impact you want? Are you showing up the way you’d like? Are you going in the right direction? You have never before been where you are right now. You have never been the age you are today, never had the experiences you now possess. This is your time to pause and […]

Moving into Stillness

With Janet Stone

February 24 - 28, 2025

Restore. It can take time and great effort to move away from the ego affirming busyness of modern day life toward a reflective stillness. In this workshop we will cultivate this slowing, deepening, and going within. In a community setting, we will allow ourselves to dive below the surface of our thoughts and identities to […]

Make Peace With Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Help Free You From the Inner Critic

With Mark Coleman

February 28 - March 2, 2025

Have you noticed the painful effects of self-judgment? Do you feel tormented by negative critical self-talk and the harsh words of the inner critic?  Are you prone to judging everything you do as not good enough, not quite right, or not up to some impossibly high standard? Do you find yourself harshly judging your meditation, […]

Find Your Voice and Reconnect with the Storyteller Within

With Firoozeh Dumas

February 28 - March 2, 2025

We are all born as natural storytellers. Our need to tell stories is primal for it connects us with our deeper selves and with one another. Most of us lose this inherent ability as we grow up, and our stories often become subjected to grades and criticism, which can make our voices shrivel, even disappear. […]

Self-Guided Explorations Weekend of February 28 - March 2, 2025

With Teachers in Residence

February 28 - March 2, 2025

Letting go of entrenched ideas — of who we are, of how the world works, of our place in it — is a challenge. It takes energy. Time. Space. Security. This growth asks us to examine ourselves and understand our connection to the whole. This model of change encompasses both personal and communal, and it’s […]

Art as Medicine

With Daria Halprin

March 3 - 7, 2025

“If art doesn’t make us better, then what on earth is it for?”  –Alice Walker How can  art contribute to healing while staying centered in the creative process? What kind of art-making responds to the therapeutic experience? What does it mean to live an aesthetic life? And what is possible when we do? In the […]

Psychodrama for Recovery from Traumatic Stress: an Experiential Workshop

With Bessel van der Kolk and Licia Sky

April 14 - 18, 2025

Journey Space: Music, Movement, & Ceremony

With East Forest and Marisa Radha Weppner

June 27 - 29, 2025

Now more than ever, it is important we build practices to strengthen our internal resolve and self-resourcing amidst a dynamically shifting society. Together, we will listen to our heart’s wisdom in this rich four-day journey (Monday to Friday) through sound, ceremony, and self-discovery. In this intimate and transformative workshop, you will have the unique opportunity […]

Relational Mindfulness: For Personal & Collective Healing

With Deborah Eden Tull

July 7 - 11, 2025

Now, as we face so much accelerated and multi-faceted change, we are each called to serve what we love and want to protect from the deepest parts of our being. Relational Mindfulness offers 9 principles and practices for meeting the beautiful, dynamic, and messy field of human relating as our laboratory for awakening. It offers […]

Journey Space: Music, Movement, & Ceremony

With East Forest and Marisa Radha Weppner

December 12 - 15, 2025

Now more than ever, it is important we build practices to strengthen our internal resolve and self-resourcing amidst a dynamically shifting society. Together, we will listen to our heart’s wisdom in this rich four-day journey (Monday to Friday) through sound, ceremony, and self-discovery. In this intimate and transformative workshop, you will have the unique opportunity […]

Digital Hybrid | Template

December 1, 2030

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