Resting Into Radiance: Qigong, Breath, and Meditation
With Jim Gallas
May 19 - 23, 2025
Have you ever felt, even momentarily, that all is well within and around you? How do we cultivate this sense of deep presence and start to sustain it?
This sense of presence is the foundation of awakening. The ancient practices of qigong, meditation, and breathwork open and harmonize the energy body so we might experience ourselves at ease and in connection with all that is.
In this five-day retreat, we will explore:
- Inner qigong, “where the mind goes, the energy flows,” including “the microcosmic orbit” and “the double butterfly.”
- Outer qigong, a 20-minute short form and a 40-minute full form of wai dan gong.
- Easy-to-learn and energizing movement, sound, and visualization exercises.
- Walking, standing, sitting, and supine(lying down) meditations, including “standing as a tree,” “the three treasures,” and “metta/loving-kindness.”
- Breath practices that strengthen the lungs, calm the mind, and rest the heart.
- Full-body meridian self-massage, including sequences for hands and feet.
No experience is necessary. All levels are very welcome. Please come with the intention to relax deeply and shine from the radiance that you are
Recommended Reading: The Way of Qigong, by Kenneth Cohen
About the Leader
Jim Gallas
Jim Gallas has been teaching yoga and qigong with a sense of deepening silence and the lightness of laughter for over 30 years. He has had the great joy of teaching at Esalen since 1999.
Learn more about Jim GallasCategories : Mindfulness & Spirituality, Yoga & Movement