The Inner Journey: Holotropic Breathwork

With Stanislav Grof, Brigitte Grof and Diane Haug

May 26 - 31, 2019

Workshop Schedule

Sun 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Mon 9:15 am – 12:30 pm
Mon 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Mon 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Tue, Wed, Thu 9:15 am – 1:00 pm
Tue, Wed, Thu 5:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Fri 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

  • Standard Room Two Beds – $4,160.00

This is a unique opportunity to experience Holotropic Breathwork at Esalen, the place where it originated. Holotropic Breathwork is an experiential method of self-exploration and healing that uses deep, expanded states of consciousness induced by a combination of simple means: accelerated breathing, evocative music, and releasing bodywork. The theory and practice of Holotropic Breathwork integrates experiences from more than a half-century of psychedelic therapy, transpersonal psychology, non-drug experiential psychotherapy, and modern consciousness research. One unique feature of Holotropic Breathwork is that it utilizes the self-healing intelligence of the psyche and body that becomes available in holotropic states of consciousness. The process of self-exploration is spontaneous and autonomous, rather than following the instructions of a particular school of psychotherapy. It opens access to a wide range of biographical, perinatal, and transpersonal experiences.

In the group sessions, participants work in pairs and alternate in the roles of “breathers” and “sitters.” Trained facilitators supervise the process and work with participants individually when needed. Following the breathing sessions, we will use paintings of mandalas and small-group sharing to facilitate integration of the experiences.

The program leaves enough time for participants to enjoy Esalen’s natural beauty, the baths, and various forms of massage and bodywork offered by experienced practitioners of the Esalen staff.

Note: Please be familiar with Holotropic Breathwork contraindicators, which can be found here: This is an intensive workshop; participants agree to attend all sessions. This workshop is deeply experiential and may involve intense and energetic emotional release.

About the Leaders

Stanislav Grof

Stanislav Grof, MD, is a psychiatrist with more than 60 years of experience researching non-ordinary states of consciousness. He was chief of psychiatric research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and scholar-in-residence at Esalen. Currently he is professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies […]

Learn more about Stanislav Grof

Brigitte Grof

Brigitte Grof is a psychologist, licensed psychotherapist and artist with 30 years of experience in Holotropic Breathwork. She leads HB workshops and teaches training modules worldwide. She also maintains a private practice in Wiesbaden, Germany. Email Me

Learn more about Brigitte Grof

Diane Haug

Diane Haug, MA, LPCC, is a licensed therapist with a background in terminal illness, and is senior trainer for Grof Transpersonal Training, for which she developed several training modules. She is adjunct faculty with the California Institute of Integral Studies and Southwestern College. Email Me

Learn more about Diane Haug

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