The Physics of Mystics: Thinking Impossibly after Religion and Science
With Jeffrey J. Kripal
June 20 - 22, 2025
This seminar-style workshop is part one of the Super Story Series, sponsored by the Center for Theory and Research of the Esalen Institute. The Super Story is a poetic device designed to capture all of those emergent mythologies and mystical currents that have been developing in deep conversation with the sciences over the last two centuries.
This series will move through three scientific complexes: quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and computer technology. We’ll explore the various ways such sciences are radically altering our understanding of human nature and the cosmos — and, alternately, how these fields themselves are often secretly informed by the paranormal experiences of their scientists.
We will contemplate the mind-matter relationship as evident in physics, cosmology, and mathematics, particularly the “fine-tuning problem” (why do the numbers that control the universe look “set up” or “designed”?), the Big Bang cosmology, hyperdimensionality or modern geometry, the nature of space and time in a block universe, the channeling of Jane Roberts, the science fiction of Philip K. Dick, and the remote viewing programs from the 1970s to the ’90s, which were very much connected to Esalen.
Through collaborative discussions and by sharing our own unique super stories, we will find that our present conceptions of both “religion” and “science” do not work to explain what has happened. Together, we will stretch our imaginations and think impossibly — outside all of our present worldviews — and envision an entirely new paradigm that can explain these phenomena.
Recommended Reading:
- Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
- Jane Roberts, The Seth Material
- Philip K. Dick, Valis
- Jeffrey J. Kripal, Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion
- “Beyond: UFOs and the Unknown” (Bad Robot, 2024)
About the Leader

Jeffrey J. Kripal
Jeff Kripal is the Associate Dean of the School of Humanities at Rice University and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Esalen. He is the author of numerous books on how to compare and think about anomalous or extreme experiences, including most recently The Flip: Who You Really Are and Why It Matters.
Learn more about Jeffrey J. Kripal