Daria Halprin
Daria Halprin is among the leading pioneers in the field of movement/dance, expressive arts education and therapy. With Anna Halprin she co-founded Tamalpa Institute, and was instrumental in the development of the Halprin Life/Art Process, as an innovative approach to psychology, artistic practice, and dance as a healing force.
Bringing a life-long practice in the arts to her work, published writings include: Coming Alive (1989); The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy (2003); contributing author for Expressive Arts Therapy: Principles and Practices {1999}, Poesis: Essays On the Future of the Field; Dance,Somatics and Spirituality (2014); Body Enacted, Entranced and Ensouled.
In addition to leading trainings in the Halprin work at Tamalpa Institute, Daria has served on faculty at the European Graduate School, JFKU, CIIS, Alanus, and Esalen Institute.She has presented at numerous conferences and universities worldwide.
Upcoming Programs by Daria Halprin

Empowering Creativity
Since time immemorial, movement, dance, and the expressive arts have provided individuals and communities with a sense of soulful expression, healing, inspiration, spirit, and connection. We now need to reconnect with these ways more than ever. The Life/Art ProcessĀ®, developed by Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin, bridges body awareness, art expression, and psychological processes, providing […]