Ihab and Ora Balha

In 2005, Ihab, a Muslim spiritual leader and a peace activist from Jaffa, and Ora, a Jewish body-movement therapist from the Galilee, fell in love and were married. Their love transcended the tension between their two cultures and has led to numerous peace efforts in Israel. In 2010, they established an innovative interfaith kindergarten for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian children. They now operate nine bilingual Waldorf kindergartens, which are based on the love and acceptance of all religions and cultures. This year, they also opened an elementary school. These are all part of their foundation, The Orchard of Abraham’s Children. They regularly lead conferences and interfaith activities to help break the barriers of fear and ignorance, bridge divides, reduce violence and conflict, and reconnect people with the Earth. They are the parents of three sons.

Ihab has been an Islamic cleric and a researcher of the Sufism movement for over 18 years. Ora is a qualified dance teacher and Feldenkrais method instructor. In the past 16 years, they have studied with their teacher, Jelaleddin Loras, who appointed them as Sheikh and Sheikha to continue the sacred teaching in the Holy Land.

With the passing of Jelaleddin Dede, son of Suleyman Dede, Ihab and Ora became the caretakers of his Dergah, the Hayati Dede Institute, in Konya, Turkey.

Upcoming Programs by Ihab and Ora Balha

Turning Your Heart to Love: Sufism, Whirling, and the Teachings of Rumi

October 21 - 25, 2024

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. — Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi  Partners Ihab and Ora Balha, a Muslim man and a Jewish woman, are trained in the Mevlevi tradition of Jelaluddin Rumi, one of the greatest mystics […]