Kate Flore

Kate Flore, MPH, OTR, CMP, is a somatic and bodywork practitioner, educator, and Gestalt facilitator. She is co-founder of TensegrityU, a scholarship-based practitioner education program weaving the teachings of movement and body sciences with Rolf Structural Integration, the Feldenkrais Method, and Gestalt Relational Process into contemporary trainings.

Upcoming Programs by Kate Flore

The Space Between: Where Tensegrity Meets the Subtle Body

Also With Kevin Dockery

September 23 - 27, 2024

“A brain without a body couldn’t think.” — Moshe Feldenkrais “We want to get you to a place where gravity is your friend, a nourishing force.” — Dr. Ida P. Rolf  Human beings are relational by nature. We are an intricate web of anatomy, energy, space, and time that takes shape through our life experiences. […]